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create connections with your students like never before!
at somos, we think it’s important you have a space to host all of your students and keep them up to date with your latest news and teaching products.
that’s why every account comes with a personalised teaching community ready to go!
all you have to do is activate your community and invite your existing students to join for free!
⏯️ how to activate your community
[🎥 coming soon]
you’ll learn how to:
- add a description to your community
- activate it for the first time so you can accept students!
📚 step-by-step guides
ready to take your teaching space to the next level? follow these easy, interactive guides to get your teaching space up and running!
1️⃣ activate or pause your community
2️⃣ add your own channels
🤔 frequently asked questions
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